Thursday, November 15, 2018

Empire State Paranormal Society Presentation

The Empire State Paranormal Society and the Waterford Historical Museum and Cultural Center have been talking about working together more for a few months and on Nov. 9th, we were able to welcome them to the museum to present a talk on "Conducting Paranormal Investigations".

And it looks like it's definitely still a hot topic, even with Halloween behind us - it was standing room only. It was great having so many people join us for their presentation and get a chance to visit the museum!

Definitely take a look at their page on Facebook for more on their group @empirestateparanormal

Thanks to every member of the society for presenting on all aspects of their investigations, and sharing some of your stories.

Hearing how the group was founded, some of your personal experiences, and then learning what tools and protocols you follow was an interesting night!

Photo from the Ghost Hunt at Waterford Rural Cemetery 2018
Some of those tools are the fancy gadgets, but it was interesting to hear that one of the most liked tools from the group is the flashlights used to try and communicate. Another tool to aid in hearing what can't always be heard are the voice recording devices. Finding "shut it off" on one of the voice recordings must've been quite a find!

EMF detectors (electromagnetic frequency) come in all shapes and sizes, with the K-II meter being displayed at the talk - it's also a good way to see if there is power in the room too, which could influence whatever other equipment you might use.

The popular "Ghost Box" is run on a radio frequency, and you can attach a portable speaker to it to make it louder to hear if anything comes through. According to the society, these are good for one or two-word responses. They also like to use laser grids (which kinda look like some of those Christmas decorations that airports tell people not to shine and blind pilots with...)

After the presentation, everyone had a chance to wander the museum
 and take a closer look at their pictures and equipment
They showed off some of their other equipment and then talked about some of the things to keep in mind when planning and doing your own investigation - patience and respect for the people and property was one of the big things to keep in mind. Along with some sensible shoes so your own footsteps don't get in the way of recordings or other peoples' recordings (and so you can last the night walking around or standing around).

You also might want to bring along some duct tape since that fixes all problems. Duct tape might even help with the co-investigator who just can't keep still or quiet....just kidding....maybe....

The group even had some of their "Dos & Don'ts" printed out for attendees to the lecture to take home with them!

They also brought some of their findings from investigations that they've done - not just in New York State.

There was even some sweets to finish up the night with - brownies, donuts, pumpkin bread, apple pie bites and some hot cider - yum!

Hopefully we'll have them partnering with us again soon - they took a quick trip through the exhibit spaces and found that one of the areas in the permanent exhibit where the trunk owned by Isaac Newton Eddy had some unusual and interesting readings on their equipment.

We'll let you know when they come back to take another look at the Waterford Historical Museum!

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